*Please know that more often than not, there is no specific reason that we chose that animal over another to represent that programming language. Except in the obvious cases. For example – Python? We just could NOT make that one a woodpecker. Sorry, Cold Fusion… : )
We’re Into Coding…
and we hope that it’s that obvious, because we are ostentatious about it! : ) We haven’t convinced or sold you yet, but we will! It is our hope and goal that you will eventually enjoy coding as much as we do.
As editors and bloggers for the Codango® Labs Technology Network, we cannot tell you how amazing it is for us to follow this industry. Every time that we see a new Tweet, or a new LinkedIn posting, or anything that comes up in any feed in our myriad of social media accounts related to coding, we learn something new. Sometimes it is a code snippet and ghostwriter facharbeit sometimes it is a bit of news about some product’s development. We especially enjoy reading about startups, because the ideas and problems solved by entrepreneurs really gets the blood pumping!
We have been involved with coding for years. Not only is it what we do for a living, but it is also our hobby! We are fortunate that way. Maybe you are as well! So, we write code, create applications, and sometimes install other developers’ applications. We even have a few brands of our own that we promote! We hope that you will put our web site in your bookmarks or favorites, and come back often! Even better, make Codango.com your home page!
Aaron Gregory
Editor-in-Chief and Lead Architect