The data centre – from mega, to macro, to modular to micro – and what are the cost comparisions between traditional and pre-made data centres?

[ad_1] Analysis: A brief history of the data centre and IT workloads. Say the words ‘data centre’ and many business people think of squat buildings, usually rectangular, somewhere inaccessible (especially Continue reading The data centre – from mega, to macro, to modular to micro – and what are the cost comparisions between traditional and pre-made data centres?

How to Build a Blockchain App

The blockchain revolution is one of the hottest topics and has been increasing its penetration into every business sector, from social media platforms to offices and top news websites, thanks Continue reading How to Build a Blockchain App

6 Precautionary Measures for a Secure E-Commerce Website

Online shopping is becoming more popular by the day and the revenue generated by it is increasing every year. Security is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to Continue reading 6 Precautionary Measures for a Secure E-Commerce Website

Rank Math: The Best SEO Plugin Ever Launched In The Market

SEO is the next best thing after high-quality content that can help you create a passive income stream and bank tens of thousands of dollars every month. Regardless of whether Continue reading Rank Math: The Best SEO Plugin Ever Launched In The Market

5 Tips to Kickstart your Career in Data Science and Analytics

Data science and analytics is more than a passing trend; it is the way to define not just a successful business, but almost all verticals associated with a business. If Continue reading 5 Tips to Kickstart your Career in Data Science and Analytics

Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare: Where We Are in the Battle For Better Cyber Security

Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare update by Marie Allred… Today conflict in society is not bound by borders, that is at least not physical ones. In this new digital age Continue reading Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare: Where We Are in the Battle For Better Cyber Security

Progressive Web Apps: A Beginner’s Guide

Author: Ian Naylor Progressive Web Apps: If you’ll forgive the cliché, when it comes to technology – as with life – the only constant is change. Websites today look very Continue reading Progressive Web Apps: A Beginner’s Guide

Getting Started with the WooCommerce REST API: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

WooCommerce is a powerful, fully-customizable, open-source ecommerce solution developed specifically for WordPress, with a series of Representational State Transfer (REST) API frameworks for guided web development. It’s a huge enabler Continue reading Getting Started with the WooCommerce REST API: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Don’t Crash the Party: How to Ensure Your Site Stability

Having a stable, secure website is a must in the digital age. With so much competition online, website visitors are becoming more savvy about their information online. Not only do Continue reading Don’t Crash the Party: How to Ensure Your Site Stability

Why Getting Your Web Hosting Right Is Essential For Your Business

Image credit: Burst Choosing a web host often gets lumped in with all the generic administrative tasks (such as registering the domain) that must be dealt with as swiftly as Continue reading Why Getting Your Web Hosting Right Is Essential For Your Business

Command Line Tools for Developers

By Piotr Gaczkowski – Freelance Software Engineer @ TopTal. Original works can be located here. In today’s online world, the battle to attract users continues to rage on, with app makers preferring either mobile Continue reading Command Line Tools for Developers

What is cyber security? How to build a cyber security strategy

Cyber security is the practice of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability (ICA) of information. It represents the ability to defend against and recover from accidents like hard drive failures Continue reading What is cyber security? How to build a cyber security strategy

Techiespad: A Blockchain Guide For Total Beginners

Stacy Miller has been blogging ever since she was in high school. Her love for technology and disdain for generic Hollywood movies has only grown over the years. You can Continue reading Techiespad: A Blockchain Guide For Total Beginners

Codango™ Hosts with DreamHost!

We’d like to take some time to give a shout-out to our web host, DreamHost. If you own or operate a web site, and it just needs to run fast, Continue reading Codango™ Hosts with DreamHost!